Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Colt-UAW Contract Contains Surprising Twist

Earlier this month, UAW members at Colt Firearms in West Hartford, Connecticut reached an agreement on a new three-year contract.

Ho hum news, right? Wrong. According to a UAW press release obtained by Political Affairs, the agreement between the 350 members of UAW Local 376 and Colt management included fair wage increases, provisions for job security, a card check provision for non-union Colt workers in Canada, and held steady on health care benefits. But also included a unique provision on health care.

According to the contract, the company has agreed to "endorse the concept of a single payer system of health care."

The press release quotes Robert Madore, Regional Director for UAW Region 9A, as saying, "This is a very important addition to the contract.  Our health care system is in crisis. The research and evidence shows that a single payer system of health care will provide universal health coverage for residents while benefiting the economy and businesses far more than building upon the current broken system. The position taken by Colt is socially responsible, reflects their commitment to all workers and shows how the bargaining table can be a place for larger scale discussions about mutually beneficial economic and social change."

--Joel Wendland

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