Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Restore Freedom of Travel to Cuba

From the Latin America Working Group

Dear Cuba Policy Advocates:

We hope you are planning on participating in national Cuba Call-In Days, May 1 and 2, 2007! Please see the information below and SEND IT TO YOUR NETWORKS, FRIENDS, FAMILIES. The call-in days won't have any impact without your help.

Following the links on the flyer, you'll see the current co-sponsors of HR 654 (99 toward of goal of at least 100) and S 721 (16 toward a goal of 30).

Your calls could make the difference in reaching our goals. We know that emails are easier; but, please, this time pick up the phone and make those calls. We want to flood the Capitol Switchboard and individual offices with calls demanding the right to travel to Cuba. See and to find the phone numbers for your members' offices--or call and ask us. Or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121.


Mavis Anderson
Claire Rodriguez

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