There is a crisis in Cuba, but the NYT doesn't even begin to tell us who or what is responsible. These deaths and this suffering can be laid at the doorstep of President (the buck stops with me) Biden and the Democrats who are in power in Congress. Uninformed and ignorant Americans, kept that way by the mainstream media including AP and the NYT, don't know what the rest of the world does and that's "It's the Blockade Stupid!"
"The United States must urgently lift its blockade on Cuba to save lives amid the expanding COVID-19 crisis, UN human rights experts stressed on Thursday, emphasizing that the more than six-decades-old sanctions are impeding the supply of medicine, medical equipment, food and other goods essential to surviving the pandemic." -- UN NEWS. Yes, the missing supplies the Cubans don't have to fight the disease is due to the US and our Congress. Read all about it here: [Lift Cuba embargo or risk many lives lost to COVID ... - UN News] copy and paste entire link in brackets
Divide and Conquer, comrades --it's as old as the hills -- Biden and Co., will throw scapes (even big juicy ones) to us for social peace at home but do we want to have our benefits built on a foundation of dead Cubans and other exploited Third World peoples killed by US imperialism so Biden can have extra funds to placate us with? The Emperors gave the Romans bread and circuses for social peace but the bread was taken from the mouths of the provinces so the Empire could eat. Things haven't changed.
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