"Because of Germany’s Nazi history and the fact that Hitler rose by democratic means before swiftly moving to abolish democracy, the country designed its postwar political structures with built-in safeguards to protect against the rise of political forces — primarily another Nazi party — that could once again usurp the democracy from the inside. “Trump is fighting the same political fight — you have to call it a culture war — as we in the Alternative for Germany are in Germany in opposition,” Martin Renner, an AfD lawmaker, wrote on Facebook."--NYT
There is no doubt that Trump represents in the USA what these neo-Nazis do in Germany and that they have taken over the Republican Party. The Congress should demand that the Republican Party be likewise put under surveillance as a threat to democracy (to civil rights, voting rights, and the rights of immigrants,LGBT rights and workers rights, etc.). The FBI and regular law enforcement agencies cannot be trusted so Congress must create a special ad hoc agency to carry out his investigation and make timely reports to the American people. Don't be fooled into thinking that the Biden/Harris election has lessened the danger of fascism in America -- it has increased it. Trump got into power following the pseudo-progressive Obama, as Bush did after the pseudo-liberal Clinton because the system allows for power to be transferred to those who actually lose popular elections. Trump is the tip of the iceberg of the fascist power being held in abeyance behind the scenes by the ruling class. We must act now and demand that the fascist elements taking over the Republican Party be investigated and purged. We can't wait for the midterms. We must try and mobilize all progressive organizations and unions to make these demands before we all wake up in a very dark place before we know it. The threat to our democracy isn't coming from Russia or China but from within and the sooner we realize it the better -- our backs are far from being covered.
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