This article should also alert us about police, FBI, etc., in the US. The German government at least officially, de jure if not de facto, wants to clean up its police forces but in the US we have a President who encourages neo-Nazi groups, white supremacists, and contempt for immigrants, asylum seekers, and minority people in general. The police are already protected by special laws that exempt them from the same results of criminal behavior that ordinary citizens are subject to and they are even more decentralized than the German police-- a perfect breeding ground for fascist infiltration and recruitment. Biden's defeat of Trump will only inspire these neo-fascist and fascist elements to up their ante by more vigorous organizing. This election victory on the surface looks like a big defeat of the fascist forces but under the surface they will be more secretive, violent, and dangerous than ever. The genuine Left has got to demand even more supervision of the police, the repeal of protective legislation that makes it hard to charge and prosecute criminal police behavior, and civilian control boards with subpoena powers. The police should be professional and apolitical. Police unions engaging in political activity should be decertified. All federal, state, and local police should be held to the same standards and be open to full civilian control and scrutiny. We have won a skirmish, the real battle has yet to come.
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