Thursday, June 11, 2020

Trumpolian III Panics and Calls Out the Troops

"Tens of thousands of rifle and pistol rounds were stored in the D.C. Armory and partitioned in pallets, labeled by their state of origin, to be used on American citizens in case of emergency." The troops are not quite ready yet to shoot down their fellow citizens and their officers are not ready to find out if they would or not. There seems to be a contradiction between the high command and the president on what the function of the US military is re the constitutional right of the American people to peacefully protest. Trump's panic, and the Republican governors rush to respond with their National Guards to please him, shows how far along the road to fascism the conservative movement has moved under ''the Donald." The NYT's article wants to reassure us that the military isn't ready to shoot down American citizens in the streets, but as the sentence quoted above clearly shows, they have prepared themselves to be able to do so. The greatest existential threat to the American people isn't North Korea, Russia, China, or even covid-19, it's the disease in the White House, Trump-45 (AKA Confederate President-2) and the racist policies enshrined in our history which he supports and the people today are rising up to fight and overthrow.
Some members of the D.C. Guard — comprising more than 60 percent people of color — have not told family they were part of the crackdown. Guard leadership, concerned about public opposition, even warned against buying food from vendorsof the American people to peacefully protest. Trump's panic, and the Republican governors rush to respond with their National Guards to please him, shows how far along the road to fascism the conservative movement has moved under ''the Donald." The NYT's article wants to reassure us that the military isn't ready to shoot down American citizens in the streets, but as the sentence quoted above clearly shows, they have prepared themselves to be able to do so. The greatest existential threat to the American people isn't North Korea, Russia, China, or even covid-19, it's the disease in the White House, Trump-45 (AKA Confederate President-2) and the racist policies enshrined in our history which he supports and the people today are rising up to fight and overthrow.
Some members of the D.C. Guard — comprising more than 60 percent people of color — have not told family they were part of the crackdown. Guard leadership, concerned about public opposition, even warned against buying food from vendors.

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