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Monday, April 20, 2020
Trump's Environmental Treason
" Every member of the bipartisan panel, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, accused the Trump administration of putting American waters, coastlines and wildlife in harm’s way by weakening safety and environmental regulations while pushing to expand oil drilling in nearly all American waters. They also accused Congress of a near-complete failure to adopt their recommendations on drilling safety. The commissioners said the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, which the Obama administration created within the Department of Interior after the Deepwater Horizon accident to focus solely on enforcement, was focusing more on increasing oil production and reducing regulations than on its safety mission." In other words, the Trump Mafioso of corrupt Congress people and industry insiders appointed to run agencies created to protect our people from criminal exploitation but now run them to increase that exploitation for their own benefit are setting the stage for another "Deepwater Horizon" catastrophe. Scientists have pointed out that the current practices of the government and the oil industry (despite some efforts towards safety constrained by cost efficiency) are furthering the present downward trend in environmental health of the Gulf of Mexico. Why are these issues not being highlighted in the Biden campaign to get rid of Trump and his gang? It's not just the Gulf Mexico; every area of environmental concern, health regulations, civil rights, education, food protection, and almost any regulation enacted to protect the health and well being of the American people is being discarded so that the business allies of Trump and his gang can make more and bigger profits. Trump is even undermining the fight against the covid-19 virus. He should be impeached again and let his confederates in Congress try to defend him while thousands are dying due to his incompetence.
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