Some points about this article: 1. Medicare for all provides not only the working class but all citizens with complete medical coverage. The leaders of the Culinary union seem to be sacrificing medical care for all just to preserve the medical care for their members without regard for the rest of the working class -- this is not a good example of "Solidarity Forever." 2. Nothing in this article indicates why the present union plan is better than medicare for all or what benefits would be missing from the union plan under Sanders' bill. 3. "The vile language prompted Mr. Sanders to issue a statement, in which he said “harassment of all forms is unacceptable to me” and urged “supporters of all campaigns not to engage in bullying or ugly personal attacks.”'-- this is in reference to Sanders "supporters" emailing politically incorrect attacks on the union leaders and others who don't support Sanders. It is more than likely that these so-called Sanders "supporters" are actually Trump trolls as no real supporters of Sanders would engage in activity he has expressly condemned and they know hurts his campaign. 4. The position of the union supports Lenin's view that unions on their own can achieve working class union consciousness but socialist consciousness comes from the outside and is the reason a strong Communist Party is necessary which would have educated the union to the need for medicare for all and greater inter-union solidarity with the Sanders campaign -- a task the CPUSA is uniquely equipped to carry out, and perhaps could have been doing a better job at during this primary season.
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