Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Did Warren Trash Sanders?

Well, it was Ms. Warren who, falling behind Sanders in the Iowa polls, started this internecine fight with the Sanders forces. Many commentators have, since the campaign began, pointed out that Sanders’s base is broader and more varied than Warren’s which is in fact rooted amongst the better educated and affluent Democrats and Sanders’s people pointed this out and opined that Sanders would attract a larger vote in the general election. Warren then claimed she had been “trashed!”
It is strange to think that saying someone is popular with highly educated and affluent people is “trashing” them. Warren then, knowing how incendiary sexism is, accused Sanders as having said to her in a private conversation that he didn’t think a women could win the presidency. A claim completely impossible to verify, completely out of character with Sanders’s public positions, completely inconsistent with his history as an independent socialist, and denied by Sanders himself. Warren may be deliberately slandering Sanders in an attempt to improve her poll numbers at his expense, or is misremembering or misunderstanding, this past conversation. She is adamant and refuses to accept the possibility of her being in error. In any case, this brouhaha is something she has deliberately brought about and risks weakening the progressive forces and inadvertently increasing the possibility of a Trump victory in November. It puts her bona fides as a genuine, rather than an opportunistic, progressive at risk and indicates that it is she who has trashed Bernie Sanders, not vice versa.

The sudden breach between the two leading liberals in the Democratic primary race has disheartened those who fear it could provide an advantage to the party’s moderate candidates.

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