Friday, July 12, 2019

U.K. Joins U.S. in anti-Iranian Provocations

U.K and NATO are cooperating with the Trump regime's slow but steady build up for a military confrontation with Iran. There will probably be no question about this at the next Democratic debate nor will any of the candidates issue a statement about this (maybe Tulsi Gabbard will). The U.K. says it wants to tone down the tension so it increases its military presence in the Gulf and seizes an Iranian oil tanker. "Britain’s already poor relations with Iran deteriorated further last week when the UK seized an Iranian ship, Grace 1, carrying oil destined for Syria, a contract that the UK said was in breach of EU sanctions. Tehran has denied the ship was heading for Syria and threatened to seize a British oil tanker in retaliation, if Grace 1 was not released." The EU puts sanctions on other countries but neither Iran nor Syria are members of the EU so what right has the EU to impose its rules on non-members. Isn't this a violation of their sovereign rights as independent states? One of the reasons the US fought the War of 1812 was because Britain tried to put restrictions on US trade. Today the US and its NATO puppet states as well as the EU put restrictions (sanctions) on any country they please as part of the failing attempt to keep Western imperialism running the show.

MoD says second warship will be deployed within days to protect British commercial oil tankers

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