Seventy years of "socialist" education and many Russian men (most?) and women still have medieval outlooks re the role of women. Women's rights have gone backward since the end of the Soviet Union as the following quote indicates: "Activists say that the idea that women in Russia are equal is a cliché left over from the constitution of the Soviet Union, particularly in the area of domestic abuse. And various organizations focused on domestic violence ... have been labeled “foreign agents,” forcing some of them to close." The US rejected the "Equal Rights Amendment" for its constitution and we also have a big problem with domestic violence but this article indicates Russian women are worse off than they were in Soviet times as under Putin the laws against domestic violence have been weakened to protect the family! Are families based on violence? Violence is the woman's fault for not obeying her husband: “A man beating his wife is less offensive than when a man is humiliated,” Yelena Mizulina, the lawmaker who led the effort to decriminalize domestic abuse, told reporters in 2016. She added that it was “mandatory” for a woman to respect her husband as the “authority” in the marriage." Sounds like some of the Republican Congressmen we read about!
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