“The Trump administration wants to make it harder to vote, and they’ve thrown the weight of the federal government behind that,” said Lisa M. Manheim, an associate professor and election-law scholar at the University of Washington School of Law. “It’s hard to justify some of these measures as anything but an attempt to entrench Republicans in office.” This article details how Trump and the GOP realizing that they cannot win most elections on the basis of one man/woman one vote have set out to dilute the lists of eligible voters by purging minorities and others who might not vote Republican. This violates the constitutional rights of those targeted by Trump. It is a clear violation of his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution and is clear grounds for his impeachment along with Vice President Pence and Attorney General Sessions who are part and parcel of this betrayal of the American people's right to vote. In comparison to the acts of the Republicans, allegations of so-called Russian election interference is nil and only serves as a smokescreen to cover up the real enemies of American democracy (such as it is) -- the 1% and their Republican and conservative Democratic tools trying to preserve their class rule from threats from the new growing progressive majority. Election rigging is a sign of desperation and of a growing trend to resort to authoritarian and neofascist policies on the part of the ruling class of Wall Street big shots and their allies. As for the Trump administration, Écrasez l'infame.
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