Monday, July 30, 2018

NYT on China: Journalism or Propaganda?

This article is a good example of how the NYT uses "journalism" to further US imperialist anti-China propaganda. In the first place, a satellite tracking station is not a "base." Here are three telling quotes as examples of the, not so subtle, propaganda going on.
1. This "base" is an example of "Beijing’s long push to transform Latin America and shape its future for generations to come — often in ways that directly undermine the United States’ political, economic and strategic power in the region." This "base" is in Argentina not too long ago run by a fascist military dictatorship supported by United States political, economic and strategic power which also supported dictatorships in Brazil, Chile, Central America, etc.
2. The NYT still uses the "meme" that Latin America is the US's "backyard" (what are the Chinese doing in our backyard?) "For much of the past decade, the United States has paid little attention to its backyard in the Americas." The Monroe Doctrine is being neglected.
3. So that we can get what's happening we are treated to a quote from a professor at the United States Army War College (what a title -- they forgot to rename it "Peace College")-- "Beijing has transformed the dynamics of the region, from the agendas of its leaders and businessmen to the structure of its economies, the content of its politics and even its security dynamics,” said R. Evan Ellis, a professor of Latin American studies at the United States Army War College."
The article does give a good overview of China's activities in the region which are mostly positive (but given a slightly negative if not sinister spin by those the NYT chose to quote). The upshot is: the backyard is becoming an independent front yard of its own and what should the US do in response to this?
About this article
Our correspondent went to the deserts of Patagonia to examine how China secured its new base, a symbol of its growing clout in the region.

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