Thomas Riggins
The real take away from this story:
1. As usual, no evidence is given other than we should take the words of the spooks who lied and misled the American people in the past (Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, etc).
2. "Right now, Mr. Pompeo [CIA] said, Russia is trying to focus on what are known as influence operations — using social media and other platforms to spread favorable messages — not hacking." So-- not hacking but the Russians are trying to influence people to have a favorable opinion of Russia. What f-ing nerve: the US says Russia is an enemy and they dare to deny it!
3. “Other threats to our institutions come from right here at home,” he said. “There have been some, aided and abetted by Russian internet bots and trolls, who have attacked the basic integrity of the F.B.I. and the Justice Department. This is a dangerous trend.”-- Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the intelligence committee.
The ENEMY WITHIN (the real target) -- The" basic integrity" of the FBI and the Justice Department questioned by American citizens -- a real threat to DEMOCRACY (didn't they do CONINTELPRO, murder some Black Panthers, collude to spy on and frame Black, Native American and Hispanic cilvil rights leaders --didn't the FBI do all it could do to discredit and destroy that great threat to America: Martin Luther King, Jr.? Nice going Senator McCarthy, oops sorry, I mean Warner.
4. “We expect Russia to continue using propaganda, social media, false-flag personas, sympathetic spokespeople and other means of influence to try to exacerbate social and political fissures in the United States,” Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence. "You know, Rhett," Scarlett said, "it's those Northern carpet baggers and outside agitators that are stirring up all these race problems down here in the Southland trying to exacerbate the race problem -- we used to have such harmony." "Frankly my dear," Rhett replied,"I don't give a damn."
5. "Russia does not, however, appear to be trying to penetrate voting machines or Americans’ ballots, United States officials said." That's right folks, the only ones messing with American ballots are the Republicans purging the voter roles, hampering voter registration, gerrymandering voting districts, and intimidating minority voters with poll "watchers" demanding to see IDs. Is Congress holding hearings about that? Who is really the enemy of the American people: the Kremlin or the rats in Congress? Ask Pogo.
The real take away from this story:
1. As usual, no evidence is given other than we should take the words of the spooks who lied and misled the American people in the past (Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, etc).
2. "Right now, Mr. Pompeo [CIA] said, Russia is trying to focus on what are known as influence operations — using social media and other platforms to spread favorable messages — not hacking." So-- not hacking but the Russians are trying to influence people to have a favorable opinion of Russia. What f-ing nerve: the US says Russia is an enemy and they dare to deny it!
3. “Other threats to our institutions come from right here at home,” he said. “There have been some, aided and abetted by Russian internet bots and trolls, who have attacked the basic integrity of the F.B.I. and the Justice Department. This is a dangerous trend.”-- Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the intelligence committee.
The ENEMY WITHIN (the real target) -- The" basic integrity" of the FBI and the Justice Department questioned by American citizens -- a real threat to DEMOCRACY (didn't they do CONINTELPRO, murder some Black Panthers, collude to spy on and frame Black, Native American and Hispanic cilvil rights leaders --didn't the FBI do all it could do to discredit and destroy that great threat to America: Martin Luther King, Jr.? Nice going Senator McCarthy, oops sorry, I mean Warner.
4. “We expect Russia to continue using propaganda, social media, false-flag personas, sympathetic spokespeople and other means of influence to try to exacerbate social and political fissures in the United States,” Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence. "You know, Rhett," Scarlett said, "it's those Northern carpet baggers and outside agitators that are stirring up all these race problems down here in the Southland trying to exacerbate the race problem -- we used to have such harmony." "Frankly my dear," Rhett replied,"I don't give a damn."
5. "Russia does not, however, appear to be trying to penetrate voting machines or Americans’ ballots, United States officials said." That's right folks, the only ones messing with American ballots are the Republicans purging the voter roles, hampering voter registration, gerrymandering voting districts, and intimidating minority voters with poll "watchers" demanding to see IDs. Is Congress holding hearings about that? Who is really the enemy of the American people: the Kremlin or the rats in Congress? Ask Pogo.
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