Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Longshore Workers Back Obama

Just a day before "crucial Tuesday," the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) announced its endorsement of Barack Obama.

According to the AFL-CIO's blog, the 60,000 member longshore workers' union believes that Obama would be the strongest candidate on key issues like trade, health care and workers’ freedom to form unions.

ILWU's president said:
America’s working families are ready for a candidate with a fresh approach who will put people first and hold corporations more accountable. Obama met with us, listened to our concerns, and we think he’ll do the best job on the issues that matter most to working families.

To this, the ILWU's web site adds that Obama is the best candidate for "bringing our troops home safely from Iraq."

ILWU's endorsement brings to 5 the total number of AFL-CIO unions that have endorsed Obama. This is in addition to the prized endorsement by the Change to Win federation, including SEIU, the Teamsters, UNITE HERE, and the UFCW.


  1. ILWU is not in the AFL-CIO. Tony

  2. sure it is. please click on the link to the AFL-CIO blog.


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