Thursday, January 3, 2008

The US in the Pacific

The central goal of the United States is control of the planet, power to install governments subservient to its demands, power to privatize and deregulate the economies of every nation in the world, the power to inflict on peoples everywhere “free market” corporate capitalism.

read more | digg story


  1. I read no further than this first sentence, for the reason that I refuse to give any serious attention to an argument which gives control of the "goal of the United States" to the imperialists who are trying to rob us of our democracy. It is NOT theirs. We shed our blood to found our United
    States and to protect it, and I will, for one, not surrender one comma or letter of the Declaration of Independence. The central goal of the United States is not the goal of the fascist capitalists with whom we are engaged in a monumental struggle for the state power and a future of freedom from exploitation. Get your thinking straight and the terminology exact, then I'll read your essay.

  2. In defense of the author, she is an Australian and in reading the pice it is evident that she is talking about a particular class that rules the US.


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