Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sen. Obama Picks Up Two More Key Endorsements

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) announced his support of Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, saying:

He knows the issues from the deep study of a legislator, and he knows them from a life lived outside of Washington. His is the wisdom of real-world experience combined with the intellect of a man who has thought deeply about the challenges we face.

History has given us this moment. But we need to decide what to do with it. I believe, with this moment, we should make Barack Obama President of the United States.

The Plumbers and Pipe Fitters union (UA) has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in the 2008 presidential race.

UA President William Hite said the endorsement was due to Obama’s record of service to working families:

Barack Obama is the UA’s choice because he has always fought for working people throughout his career and will do the best job of bringing badly needed change to Washington. Sen. Obama will help us keep existing jobs and work to develop new higher-paying jobs here in America, reform our health care system, fix our ailing schools and make sure that the pensions of our retirees are safe.

UA has about 340,000 worker members. Obama has been endorsed by 2 national unions (UA and UNITE HERE) and several locals and chapters.

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