Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pakistan: Trade unionists arrested as unions call for restoration of democracy

To PA blog readers,

I urge support for this appeal. Here in the United States, the repression of trade unionists (as against lawyers, judges, and politicians)in Pakistan has been invisible as the Bush administration continues to play its game with the Musharraf tyranny.

Norman Markowitz

*Pakistan: Trade unionists arrested as unions call for restoration of

The International Trade Union Confederation has called for "the immediate restoration of the rule of law, the country's Constitution and the fundamental democratic rights of its people" in Pakistan following the imposition of a state of emergency earlier this week. But while media attention outside Pakistan has focussed on well-known opposition politicians such as Benazir Bhutto and cricketer Imran Khan, there has been little coverage in the mainstream media of the arrest of trade unionists, as reported by the IUF. LabourStart has full coverage of breaking news from Pakistan, updated throughout the day.

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