Monday, October 22, 2007

Top GOP Prez Contenders Tied to Racist Corporations

This item comes from Huffington Post:

While the four top Republican presidential contenders missed the Sept 27 debate at Morgan State University in Baltimore organized to address minority issues, they were busy raking in cash from dozens of business and professional elites, including a top Wall Street banking firm that was sued that same week for racial discrimination.

All in all, it was a grand and enriching week for the four white males most likely to represent the Republicans in the 2008 presidential race. Among them, they amassed over $9 million while they were too "busy" to attend the debate at Morgan State.

The companies listed in the article included Morgan Stanly and its subsidiary Saxon Capital (what a name) who have been accused of redlining housing in majority minority communities.

Other companies like Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc., Credit Suisse, and Huron Consulting Group (whose founders are tied to the Enron scandal) were among the most egregious of the sub-prime lenders. Another major contributor is the law firm Baker Botts, the law firm of Bush family friend James A. Baker III.

Finance capital and the ultra right – peas in a pod.

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