Thursday, September 20, 2007

Inifinte Island: Contemporary Caribbean Art

Brooklyn Museum

"Infinite Island:  Contemporary Caribbean Art"

The first major exhibition of Contemporary Caribben Art opened at the Brooklyn Museum today, September 20, 2007.

Forty-five established and emerging artists, who work both in the Caribbean, are presenting multiple perspectives in exploring the history of the region.   These include:  painting, sculpture, photography, prints and drawings, video.

A highlight of the exhibition are two presentations, one photos and the other a very interesting video, of the struggle to free Vieques, Puerto Rico fromthe U.S. Navy.   Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilta were responsible for these works of art.

Jorge Pineda from the Domican Republic presented when "Mambru went to war."   In this anti-war presentation twelve figures of young people carrying guns.   This is a very powerful presentation.

Ebony Grace Patterson from Jamaica, who spoke at a forum before the opening, exhibited her very powerful female forms paintings.

The one major limitation of the exhibition was a painting by a Cuban artist decrying the racism that he says continues in Cuba.   This was also the only presentation from the Cuban experience.      This presentation was completely out of place given the overall progressive direction of every other presentation.

But, even with that shortcoming, Brooklyn Museum exhibition is well worth attending.

Eric Greene


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