Thursday, June 14, 2007

Breaking News: Massachusetts Protects Marriage Equality

From Pride at Work, AFL-CIO

***Breaking News****

Today, justice-loving people around the country can celebrate, as Massachusetts legislators have rejected an anti-family and anti-worker constitutional amendment that would have put the right to marriage for LGBT folks up for a public vote.

By a wide margin, Massachusetts sided with all citizens of Massachusetts by resoundingly defeating an attempt to put up for a vote the civil rights of a group of citizens.

Many thanks must be given to the Pride At Work chapters in Massachusetts, the Gay And Lesbian Labor Activist Network (GALLAN) and Pride At Work Western Mass for their dedication to activating labor leaders, members, and unions to speak up in favor of ending marriage discrimination.

"This vote shows that when diverse communities join together to speak up for civil rights, that justice can prevail," said T Santora, Pride At Work Co-President. "Many thanks go to our chapters in Massachusetts who have fought in this struggle for full equality under the law for over five years. Their determination and refusal to give up, even with daunting odds, now means that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people across the country know that marriage equality is not just a dream, but a reality that I am convinced will spread like wildfire in the rest of the country."

To learn more about how you can get your union involved in the struggle for marriage equality, please contact Sandra Telep, Organizer Specializing in Marriage Equality, at

To learn more about Pride At Work in Massachusetts, please visit the GALLAN webpage at:

In Solidarity,

Your Pride At Work Staff

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