Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Iraqi workers celebrate May Day in Baghdad

The General Union (Federation) of Iraqi Workers organised a mass rally at Firdos Square in central Baghdad, on Tuesday 1st May 2007, to celebrate May Day. Few photos of the rally can be seen on the following site of Iraqi CP. One banner (in English) read: "General Union of Iraqi Workers Greets Workers of the World on First of May".
The Iraqi CP also organised a march to celebrate May 1st, that passed through Firdos, Kahramanah and Andulus Squares. When it reached its final destination, at the Party headquarters at Andulus Square, speeches were delivered by party leaders. The procession was marked by chanting internationalist and patriotic slogans, traditional dancing and waving red flags.
Photos of the march, joined by few members of the CC of Iraqi CP, can be seen on the following link:

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